here are a collection of pictures taken from the veruca salt 2000 club look around and stuff, but if you want to use the pictures, ask the people that took them.... dammit! veruca hotties!

clickity click...

| ~* retrosalsa's pics*~ |
| ~* jeff's pics*~ |
~*danny's pics*~ |
| ~* saltslave's pics*~ |
| ~*victrola99's pics*~ |
| ~* veruca gerl's pics*~ |
| ~* signed and other misc. pics*~ |
| ~*resolver*~ |
| ~* promo pics*~ |
| ~*pics from verucasalt_resolver*~ |
| ~*born entertainer*~ |
| ~* seethervs2000's pics*~ |
| ~* grrly10's pics*~ |
| ~* rockfest*~ |