welcome to ~~louisepost.fanspace.com~~ we are pretty new, so give us time and we will get the ball rolling and make this site nice and pretty for you all
so here's what we have on offer for you just now!
click the pictures to go and see...
the veruca salt 2000 club! - the hip and happening club to be salty in...
the veruca salt 2000 club webpage!- here you can find stuff provided by the lovely 400+ members of the vs200club
letters to louise! - the letters to louise operation, see how swanky the book looks, did you write a letter? if not pah! you're a silly sausage!
pictures galore!- mega pics of veruca some live, some promo, you get the deal, please dont nick the ones that belong to people... cause they got crushed and clicked for the benefit of others
links ahoy!- links to as many NEW veruca sites as we can possibly find
we are not a competitive site, we dont steal stuff and we'll try really hard not to shit people off... if we have done something that annoys you (besides wooo-ing) or have accidently stolen something of yours or anything bad, let us know and we will fix it fast.....